Flexible, cost effective document storage in Barnsley 01226 294283
Document Storage
Document storage solutions
A little known fact in the business world is that storing your own documents is actually more expensive than getting a professional document storage company to do it for you!
The hidden costs in storing your own documents include wasted office space, staffing costs to maintain the filing system, staffing costs of retrieving documents from it and also time spent re-creating lost files!
With every filing cabinet or dumping ground for document storage in your office there is valuable space being taken up that could be put to better use. The floor space taken up by document storage could be used for another desk for that much needed extra member of staff or the desk space could even be used for that multi-functional printer that would improve productivity!
Moving your document storage out of your office could literally save you thousands!
You may be on thinking of a move to a new office due to lack of space? Getting rid of your businesses document storage area could be the difference between staying where you are or having to take the plunge and move.
The cost of moving to larger premises is likely to cost hundreds of pounds extra a month and if you can put that off for an extra year that amounts to a huge saving for your business.
Self Store Solutions know all about storage and storing documents, which means it is our business to know everything about document storage! Our premises are dry, clean, well lit and secure, we have Red Care 24 – 7 monitoring which feeds directly to local police.
From 1 box to 10,000 boxes – Self Store Solutions have the document storage solution for you.

Flexible, cost effective Self Store Solutions in Barnsley!
Ravens House
Pond Street
S70 1NQ
Opening Hours